Sunday, October 16, 2011


To be honest I chose this book knowing I wouldn't like it. But Kurt Vonnegut is a pretty big writer and I'm tired of people talking about his books and not knowing what they are talking about. So, for cultural literacy, I guess. The book is kind of confusing so far. It starts out as the author just talking about writing the book. Then he gets to the story and talks about this guy and it starts to sound like a real story but then Vonnegut jumps around his life and tells little parts at a time. And it's not like a chapter from here and a chapter from then, its like 2 paragraphs and then it switches to another spot on the timeline and tells something that happened then. So yeah it's really confusing. Also, it talks about weird torture devices that this one guy collects which is really creepy. Oh yeah, and whenever someone dies or something tragic like that, the narrator always says "So it goes" like dying in the world [(of war) is vonnegut's message, I suppose)] is a common thing.  In the beginning someone said when he heard that vonnegut was writing an anti-war book that he might as well write an anti-glacier book because war will always be here. I thought that was kind of funny. Yeah, well sorry I'm rambling. I just don't like the book that much and I don't really know how to talk about it in an organized fashion. Maybe or hopefully it will start getting better.

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