Friday, October 21, 2011

Currently 10/21

Pages this week: 196
Books this week: Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vonnegut

Friends Style mapping sentences!:
1. In Neil Gaiman's Stardust, Gaiman writes poetically with colloquial language, using words that are neither dissonant nor melodious, in order to describe the setting. -
2. On the other hand, McCarthy’s Blood Meridian holds a musical quality to the words, as well as descriptive and distinct linguistics.-
3. In comparison, Annie Phoulx's The Mud Below, the author makes use of a much lower style, a coloquial and vulgar kind of speech, with a picturesque and figurative language.-
4. The narrator describes the houses of Wall with conversational, blunt language such as "square" and "old."-
5. Dissimilar to Stardust, Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian demonstrates a thorough understanding of classy, picturesque language.-

I really liked these sentences because of their scholarly way of evaluating the diction. They used the graph/chart to analyze where the diction. They also imcluded a vocab word into their posts.

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