Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First They Killed My Father

So I found this really good book at Goodwill called First They Killed My Father. It's about this little girl starting from age 5 to 9 during the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. She is in the middle class before the communist takeover and she is happy. Then, the Angkar takes over and everyone's lives turn to Hell. Everyone is moved to labor camps where they are treated "equally" . Which means that everyone's possessions are burned, their religions are burned, and they all have to work all the time. No time off because that would be unequal. Everyone who worked for the previous governemnt, along with his families are killed. Eventually, everyone who had any skill or intelligence is killed, until onl.y the farmer/peasants are left. When they go to the infirmary, there are fake doctors because all the real ones have been killed. 25% of the population is killed during the Khmer Rouge-  2 million people.
The victims of this government have to worship those who are directly causing them all the pain, which is the worst part about it. It's disgusting how the Pol Pot killed and tortured so many in the name of Morality and Equality.

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