Friday, February 10, 2012

A Perfect World: Compiling all my joys in one place makes me feel really good so here you go

If I could, I'd live in a world with no worries. I think I'd go camping all the time, including sleeping in the bed of my truck, parked anywhere on the east coast beach. I'd go bike riding and listen to Bon Iver and The Civil Wars while I read the novels of Ayn Rand and poems and the classics and the modern geniuses. I'd have  a gazebo where i could read or sleep of just feel the cool night air. I would own any suit a man could, but mostly I'd just wear loose clothes that I could still be feminine in, and I'd have long hair that didn't cause headaches. I'd eat the tomatoes, and apples and grapes that I grew in my huge garden. I would pray constantly and thank God all the time and love Jesus with all my heart. I would travel any chance I got and speak fluently to the natives of Espana or Argentina. I'd go to Christian and rock and indie and acoustice concerts where I'd close my eyes and dare the music to enter me, into my soul. I'd write books and they'd be great but maybe not many people would read them and I would be a professor of I don't know what, maybe law because I'd been a judge a couple years, but I'd teach something to those students and they would be glad they had met me because I'd be kind and understanding. I'd be handy and a black belt and a genius thereby idependent of any man.  But at the end of the day, I'd ride home on my bike, stopping first to buy an old book at the local used bookstore. I'd say hi to the owner because we'd be good friends, and tell him I'll see him at Church on Sunday.  I'd be really happy.

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