Monday, February 13, 2012

Who is John Galt?

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I started Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand this week and got done with book 1. It was 336 pages so I was cookin and I'm proud of myself but I still have books 2 and 3. Atlas Shrugged has a total of 1167 pages. I feel like I'm running a marathon and I'm really out of breath and exausted but no matter how long a break I give myself, i feel i will still be out of breath. So I'll just keep on reading. Because it is amazing.  The characters are so complex and I thought it was just gonna be a straightforward "These are the good people and these are the bad people and capitalism is what works" but its such good writing and these people's minds are incredible. I'm aspiring to be like them, or at least have a few of their qualities because they definitely aren't perfect but it absolutely blows my mind and makes me wonder what perfect really means.
It's late and I wanna go to bed so I'm gonna talk to you about it later because it definitely deserves an in-depth look. But because I finished the first book, I watched the first movie of part 1. The movie sucked really bad to say the least. It's like no actors or even the director actually read the book, because theyre not capturing the essence of the problem, of how multi-faceted these characters are, and the emotional conflicts each man and woman battles. But oh well. The book is great.  But long......

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