Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Major Venting

I am so angry with Atlas Shrugged. Dagny has two of the greatest men in the world at her feet, dying because they both love her so much. And she chooses another man completely. She chooses someone she doesnt even know. Oh gosh it makes me so angry and i just want to throw the book at the wall and cry and yell at her. Holy crap I hate her. I liked her at the beginning but now I realize that she doesn't deserve any of these men; and she doesnt deserve to be called a woman.

The Product of America's free mind. Capitalism at its finest

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My underdeveloped thoughts on Atlas

I'm in bed and can't sleep so I decided to catch up my documentation of atlas shrugged. I'm at page 750. At first the book was a little discouraging for me because I wanted it to just be about how capitalism is great and I wanted it to spell that right out on every page. But the first 400 pages were just there to show what kind of social world it was and how annoying people's victim speeches are and the left's philospohy on how the rich are evil.  I wondered if this political idea of the book could coexist with my religious beliefs. I realize that capitalism is by far the only way to run a country but is it the way to run a spiritual life? I know that socialism would ruin the world (fact), but maybe God doesn't care at all about the world. And now I find myself sounding like the stupid evil people of Atlas Shrugged but the difference is that a God does not exist in Atlas Shrugged. If a God did not exist I would throw myself completely at the ideals of doing nothing but for ones own profit, but a God does exist. And now the question I have to ask myself is "Does God want me to pursue him to the point of putting this earth in flames?"  Does he want this earth ruined in his name? It sounds like a contradiction but it would be a testament to love (the very thing most hated in Atlas Shrugged).

But on page 413 the book took a turn with Francisco D'anconia's beautiful and inspiring speech. And from then on it told of the greatness of capitalism and how there was a fight against the socialism that is being spread in America. I fell in love with Francisco at that moment( and let me just say it really sucks, really really sucks to be in love with a fictional character- for obvious painful reasons). There is a love triangle between Dagny and Francisco and Hank Rearden. Dagny and Francisco are past lovers but Francisco had to leave her in order to fight this fight and he couldnt tell Dagny why but it hurt him so badly to leave her and he has never loved anyone else. But then Dagny fell in love with Hank and Hank fell in love with her and really Hank is an amazing man and so I have trouble deciding which one im rooting for. But honestly, Im not sure if being with Dagny really is the best for either of them because I think she might start an affair with John Galt. I hope not. I really do hope not. Because then she's just a disgusting kind of woman; the kind of woman that doesn't carry the right to be called a woman. So im sad to report that i find the romance the most interesting but this romance really is quality stuff, written in quality prose. I'm glad I've gotten the philisophical stuff out of it though because now Im that much more of a cultured person and those ideas ive had floating around my mind are clearly put into words that i can use.
See you in 418 pages!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Who is John Galt?

Pinned Image
I started Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand this week and got done with book 1. It was 336 pages so I was cookin and I'm proud of myself but I still have books 2 and 3. Atlas Shrugged has a total of 1167 pages. I feel like I'm running a marathon and I'm really out of breath and exausted but no matter how long a break I give myself, i feel i will still be out of breath. So I'll just keep on reading. Because it is amazing.  The characters are so complex and I thought it was just gonna be a straightforward "These are the good people and these are the bad people and capitalism is what works" but its such good writing and these people's minds are incredible. I'm aspiring to be like them, or at least have a few of their qualities because they definitely aren't perfect but it absolutely blows my mind and makes me wonder what perfect really means.
It's late and I wanna go to bed so I'm gonna talk to you about it later because it definitely deserves an in-depth look. But because I finished the first book, I watched the first movie of part 1. The movie sucked really bad to say the least. It's like no actors or even the director actually read the book, because theyre not capturing the essence of the problem, of how multi-faceted these characters are, and the emotional conflicts each man and woman battles. But oh well. The book is great.  But long......

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Perfect World: Compiling all my joys in one place makes me feel really good so here you go

If I could, I'd live in a world with no worries. I think I'd go camping all the time, including sleeping in the bed of my truck, parked anywhere on the east coast beach. I'd go bike riding and listen to Bon Iver and The Civil Wars while I read the novels of Ayn Rand and poems and the classics and the modern geniuses. I'd have  a gazebo where i could read or sleep of just feel the cool night air. I would own any suit a man could, but mostly I'd just wear loose clothes that I could still be feminine in, and I'd have long hair that didn't cause headaches. I'd eat the tomatoes, and apples and grapes that I grew in my huge garden. I would pray constantly and thank God all the time and love Jesus with all my heart. I would travel any chance I got and speak fluently to the natives of Espana or Argentina. I'd go to Christian and rock and indie and acoustice concerts where I'd close my eyes and dare the music to enter me, into my soul. I'd write books and they'd be great but maybe not many people would read them and I would be a professor of I don't know what, maybe law because I'd been a judge a couple years, but I'd teach something to those students and they would be glad they had met me because I'd be kind and understanding. I'd be handy and a black belt and a genius thereby idependent of any man.  But at the end of the day, I'd ride home on my bike, stopping first to buy an old book at the local used bookstore. I'd say hi to the owner because we'd be good friends, and tell him I'll see him at Church on Sunday.  I'd be really happy.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Using this thing like a twitter

I have nostalgia for things that never happened

Either body or mind, one of them must be on the road.

“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"- Jack Kerouac

Man, am i really feeling this quote right now.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Genuineness of Assent

For a couple years now I have been calling myself the prosecutor. (Is it conceited to give yourself a nickname?) I have this twisted need to judge the heck out of people. I know it's evil, and I'm trying not to, but somehow I can't find any situation where people should act the way they do.  Maybe its pessimism, but I think its this deep need for truth, and honestly, and genuineness. I know it's been said a million times before, but life is not like the movies. And I have a really hard time dealing with that. People can be so ridiculously (well I don't quite know the following adjective) that I notice their deceit even when they do not know that they are decieving others, and therefore decieving themselves. Recently I've found someone that I think is honest and it makes me so emotional because I am so happy that someone like that exists. They have a blog and so that's why I'm blogging this.. I guess that doesn't make sense. Oh well, I'm doing it.  We'll see what the future holds