Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo finished!

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I read this book instead of doing homework because I was so enthralled. It was seriously dark and distrurbing but I'm excited to see the movie because Daniel Craig is in it, yo. I wished the author had cut out the last 100 pages and the beginning 75, because it was about a personal plot with the protagonist that was really boring and at the end there was a big climax and the murder was solved but then there was another 100 pages of garbage! He also wasn't very well-versed in his grammar knowledge and I caught a lot of mistakes, but that's pop fiction for ya. The author died shortly after he had delivered the manuscripts for this trilogy which is kinda creepy but mostly sad because he wasn't given the chance to see the wild success of the novels. I'm glad I read this book to say I've read it, given it a chance, and will be literate when the book comes up in conversations but I will not read the other two books because there would be no purpose. I may enjoy them but I will have gained nothing from reading them.
Until next time!

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