Thursday, May 24, 2012

I haven't posted anything in a while because I haven't been reading lately. School's ending so I've been getting a lot of projects and have had to study for finals. But there's only two days of school left so I'll definitely read a lot and post a lot this summer because I'm doing the summer reading program and I don't have any summer reading this summer! Yay! I think I will read a lot of classics, though, just because I want to prepare myself for college and the adult world.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo finished!

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I read this book instead of doing homework because I was so enthralled. It was seriously dark and distrurbing but I'm excited to see the movie because Daniel Craig is in it, yo. I wished the author had cut out the last 100 pages and the beginning 75, because it was about a personal plot with the protagonist that was really boring and at the end there was a big climax and the murder was solved but then there was another 100 pages of garbage! He also wasn't very well-versed in his grammar knowledge and I caught a lot of mistakes, but that's pop fiction for ya. The author died shortly after he had delivered the manuscripts for this trilogy which is kinda creepy but mostly sad because he wasn't given the chance to see the wild success of the novels. I'm glad I read this book to say I've read it, given it a chance, and will be literate when the book comes up in conversations but I will not read the other two books because there would be no purpose. I may enjoy them but I will have gained nothing from reading them.
Until next time!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

So i know i said i hate pop fiction but i made an exception with the girl with the dragon tatto by stieg larsson because its a mystery. It is really dark but really interesting so I'm hooked and all I wanna do is go home ( im at school) and read it. Also, I'm excited to see the movie, partly because Daniel Craig is in it! Yeah so, there's not that much i can say about it because its just a pop fiction book but i do detect some socialist ideas and its kind of annoying because the author hates all things business. But i love it!

S/O to Darby Cook

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Poi si torno all’ eterna fontana

        I just finished A Grief Observed, by C.S. Lewis. I titled this entry "Poi si torno all’ eterna fontana" because that is the last line of the book, meaning (from Dante) "then she turned back to the eternal fountain." C.S. Lewis is an absolute genius and I learned a lot from reading this, but I also missed a lot of stuff because he is so much above me. One thing I did learn is that I don't know a thing about God, and I really do need to trust him because I don't know how or why he does the things he does. C.S. Lewis, in his great grief, never doubted God, but he did doubt God's character. He battled with the idea of an all powerful and a good god coexisting. This made me terribly confused and angry because, in a sort of guilty way, I count on Lewis to be firm, and to know who God is, and that God is good. But Lewis, with his incredible pain and catholic beliefs of purgatory struggled during that time. That kind of scared me too, I guess: the idea of purgatory. And I wonder, are catholics right? I believe with a full conviction that they are wrong, and I feel like the Bible reveals the truth in the Christian beliefs but then why would a man so smart as Lewis be a Catholic? That scares me, but I know I have to go with the way the Bible speaks to me, and I just can't see the truth in catholicism.
        This was really just Lewis' thoughts as they came to him, he captured them on paper but did not organize them too fully so maybe that's another reason this was so difficult to understand. I pray for the amount of love, faith and trust it takes to reach God. Because can doing save you? It is a battle of the heart, not the body's actions.