Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Eat Pray Love and a Little Rambling

I usually like to blog about a book when Im completely finished with it but I'm a little bored right now and I only have 30 pages left to go in Eat Pray Love so I'm making an exception.
If you knew me, you would wonder why I'm reading it. But I guess that goes for a lot of books I read. It's just that, even though I am a conservative, I still admire art, poems, good literature, and unmainstream(i know thats not a word) music. Most writers are liberal and they will tend to infuse that logic into their works but I still just have a desire to read good writing. I don't necessarily learn something from this sort of enjoyment but maybe I become more diverse. I don't know. Isn't it crazy how our political beliefs determine our choice of entertainment and appearence? But the unusualness is just on the surface. Really, if you think about it, you'd find it does make sense. I'm a christian therefore I'm against abortion therefore I vote republican therefore I try not to watch shows that constantly make fun of the man I voted for to keep abortion illegal.  And it all makes perfect sense, how our political beliefs can't just be shoved into a corner and be called a small part of us. The reason for those beliefs makes us who we are and those reason shape our actions and thoughts and minds. It's all a perfectly mapped conclusion.
And yet, not on any belief but regarding art(that includes writing, and music) I usually find myself on the liberals side, not ever too much so that I break any of my other logic but I find myself attracted to the beautiful writing that some liberals can make.And I wont let myself put the book down when something I dont agree with is said, though sometimes I can become angry.
So eat pray love- its this woman who i believe to be a little selfish and incorrect but her writing and traveling is alluring to read. She sort of made up what she believes as far as a diety goes. And thats just something I never get. People don't like the rules so they make up their own, or they can feel comfortable about the afterlife, their concience, and they can be comfortable on earth. But it just seems seriously impossible, so stupidly impossible that the biggest truth in life, the answer to all questions is one that some stupid human has created. Don't you know that you make mistakes? The chance that the lie -that you say is truth just because you want it to be true- that you've created is doomed to be a complete utter fail. Don't believe in a God because it's comfortable, or you think that its artisitc, believe in God because God is truth. So Elizabeth Gilbert moralizes everything she does because she created her own religion. What a scary world it is, when men become gods.
It's a nice read, though, I would just advise to not go looking for any answers in it. If that should happen, a soul is at stake.

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