Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night-time

By Mark Haddon. Short and exceptionally quick read. The narrator is a 15 year old boy with severe social problems and they don't exactly say in the book what it is but I think he has a serious degree of autism or aspergers, but it helps him focus on things so he has incredible mathematical skills. Anyway, it was a little strange letting myself be the persona of the story, like I normally do. The narration reminded me of perks of being a wallflower or cather in the rye but it was more socially awkward. I got mad at him a bunch too and it was kind of a tragic story because he is such a hassle to live with and he really doesnt feel love so he cannot appreciate his fathers efforts. And so no one really wins in the end because its kind of a story of unrequitted love. Yes, the story is hopeful in the end because they are probably going to live with eachother and Christorpher will stop being so afraid of his father, but the reader knows their lives will still be rough. His dad will feel guilty when he feels burdened by his son but he will also never be able to have a relationship with a woman because of his son.
Sometimes I connected with the kid because I'm socially awkward I guess and I feel like him sometimes in social situations being so overwhelmed and stuff. The difference though is that I don't start rolling around on the ground screaming. But then again I'm not as academically gifted as him and I would definitely like to be.
The book was okay and I'm glad I read it, maybe just because it was so short.
Makes you think!

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