Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Alchemist Failure

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho was said to be a "modern day classic." It is Julia Roberts favorite book and Bill Clinton was photographed reading it. (I suppose this should forebode to the negative). Even on the first page I was confused because I noticed how poorly it was written. Seriously so bad. He writes at a middle school level and it's funny because you can tell he is trying so hard to write with literary merit.
The whole book says dumb things like "find your Personal Legend," "the Soul of the Universe", the "Language of the World." And I'm thinking "Are you kidding me?! Is this book for 6 year olds?!"
The philosophy is so elementary. Basically it says, go after your dreams and they will come true. So childish. And you'll get a kick out of the introduction also because he is boasting about how his wonderful book became so popular and how he thinks that makes it a revolutionary book. Then he says "heres why.." 1. "We are told from childhood that everything we want to do is impossible." No one says that! Thats such old thinking. People are realistic still but honestly if a little kid says he wants to be a pro football player when he grows up people will say "thats great" and they will let him find out on his own that its probably not gonna happen.
2. "Love." So stupid.
3. "Fear of defeat" Holy crap I didn't realize I was scared of doing that! But now I'll do it now that I know I'm scared! Thanks!!
4. "Fear of not having a dream anymore" This is I suppose not completely worn out but still it's dumb because its not true. Would you rather be happy or be unhappy and dream of being happy? Stupid question, I know.

This guy says he is a Catholic but he's nothing more than a pagan. He capitalizes the word Universe and says everything is one and it is all helping you out. B.S.
This guy is an idiot.

I pretty much agree with everything that this person says( I went searching for someone else that was flabbergasted by how terrible it is!):

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