Monday, June 4, 2012


Just finished Triangles. With Ellen Hopkins, you can read a 600 page book in one day, easily. It's so refreshing. The teen fiction novel is a bungle of adjectives: entertaining, poetic, innapropriate, depressing and anticlimactic. She usually tells the stories of some pretty flawed characters, and you know you would just absolutely hate the person, if you did not hear the story told in first person. It helps you understand people and why sometimes they do the terrible things they do. She is a good writer, too, because every page is a a really unique poem, kind of. And for me, it would take a long time to create 600 pages of poems that create a story. but she does it, everytime and I enjoy it everytime because I have read every single one of her books. Even the ones about middle aged women (this one) that no one reads. Hopkins probably should have stuck with teen personas though, because the women basically sound and act like teenagers and the whole thing seems so silly because these 40 year old women are engaging in completely wreckless and immature activities.
Oh, well, though. She took a chance, and ultimately it was entertaining.
P.S. I hate the cover art.

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