Friday, January 4, 2013

Lincoln the Unknown

It's been a while since I blogged anything. I read 50 shades of grey but I didn't want to make a whole post out of that because of course it was stupid and not worth reading

But I just finished a book by Dale Carnegie called Lincoln the Unknown and it was marvelous!
It was purely biographical but it was short and I'm sure I missed out on a lot of interesting things but what I did learn was shocking. For time purposes, I will just write about the women in his life. Lincoln fell in love with a woman, and she with him, and they courted for a while, but eventually she got sick and died.  That caused him to go into a severe depression that never truely left him. His love for her is so famous that Americans still go to her grave and weep for her.
Then he met Marry Todd and she wanted him to marry her because she thought he might have become president. But she was the most awful woman on the face of the earth. I hate her with so much of who I am after reading the book. I cannot explain with words how terribly awful she was, and how sad he was. He tried to leave her but she cried and so he proposed and then he went insane as the wedding date approached because he knew what a terrible life he was entering into. He didn't show up to the wedding and was found mumbling incoherently in his office. But, trapped by his consience telling him to stick to his promise, he decided to go through with it. 
She terrorized his life and ruined it, along with any other human being she met. He was sad all through his life, and I suppose I don't truely understand the depths of that inconsolable sadness. That makes me hurt, to know a man of such character had to endure that awful witch and his depression, but he did it with a Christ-like strength.
I believe his burden has been lifted and he has found relief and happiness. I hope to meet him one day.